Shrewsbury PCN

Increasing chronic care capacity and cost savings at Shrewsbury PCN


BPs collected from patients since September 2022

Discover how partnering with Suvera has impacted Shrewsbury PCN's practices across staffing, workforce management, patient care and hitting targets.

We're thrilled to present a special feature from our partners at Shrewsbury PCN. In this video, they share their firsthand experiences of using Suvera's service, offering an in-depth perspective on how the collaboration has brought about positive changes within their PCN.

Improving patient outcomes

We saved Shrewsbury PCN over 4,839 hours of appointments and approximately £345,000 in 2023.

Discover how partnering with Suvera has impacted Shrewsbury PCN's practices across staffing, workforce management, patient care and hitting targets.

We're thrilled to present a special feature from our partners at Shrewsbury PCN. In this video, they share their firsthand experiences of using Suvera's service, offering an in-depth perspective on how the collaboration has brought about positive changes within their PCN.

Improving patient outcomes

We saved Shrewsbury PCN over 4,839 hours of appointments and approximately £345,000 in 2023.

Improving patient outcomes

We saved Shrewsbury PCN over 4,839 hours of appointments and approximately £345,000 in 2023.

Improving patient outcomes

I would have no hesitation recommending Suvera to other practices and PCNs. They're a great team they're really friendly they're really approachable, and if you're thinking about a different way of approaching your chronic disease management then they are just a fantastic solution.

Dr Charlotte Hart