Mastering change management

In our latest webinar, Suvera co-founder Dr Will Gao and special guest presenter Gary Hughes (founder of Leadership in Practice) hosted an event dedicated to empowering primary care leaders to navigate and manage change effectively.

We were delighted to collaborate with Gary for this session. With over 30 years in healthcare, his wisdom and guidance in the session proved invaluable. And now, we are bringing the session to all those who couldn't attend on the day.

The session covers the following topics:

  • Gaining Insight: Understand the nature of change in primary care and the necessity behind it.
  • Develop Strategies: Learn to create a clear vision and goal, and identify barriers to change.
  • Master the Dynamic Change Model: Explore the unique 4-part model tailored to primary care.
  • Mobilise: Optimise resources for modern primary care.
  • Celebrate Success: Discover how to measure and communicate your achievements.


Dr Will Gao

Gary Hughes